This document describes an approach for making it possible for creators to animate textures. This can be used to simulate running liquids, as well as many other interesting texture effects.
This new feature combines very well with ADR-254 (GLTF Nodes), as it enables to do the same effects on the textures of any .gltf model.
Today the settings available on a texture are limited. We need to be able to also change the offset and the scale of a texture. As part of this ADR we're also adding two new fields to all textures:
: Vector2, shifts the image from starting on the 0,0 mark.
Default value 0,0
: Vector2, determines how many times the texture fits on the
surface. Default value 1,1
. The behavior of the remaining space on the texture
will depend on the value of wrapMode
A creator could theoretically write a system that changes the offset
value on
every frame, but that would be very bad for performance. If something will continually change
their offset, it's recommended to instead use a Tween for that.
We'll define a new type of tween that affects the Material rather than the Transform. This is
enabled by using the already existing Tween and TweenSequence components, with a new
option to be added to the existing Move
, and Scale
The new TextureMove
option on the Tween
component will have the
following fields:
: (optional), defines if the movement will be on
the offset
or the tiling
field (see section above)
: Vector2 the initial value of the offset or tilingend
: Vector2 the final value of the offset or tilingduration
: number how long the transition takes, in millisecondseasingFunction
: How the curve of movement over time changes, the default value
is EasingFunction.EF_LINEAR
The scene can also use a TweenSequence
to make continuos movements possible, just
like with other kinds of tweens.
Materials have several textures besides the albedo_texture, including bump_texture,
alpha_texture, emissive_texture. The TextureMove
Tween affects the base texture,
so all textures move together with it.
This applies to changing the offset
and tiling
fields manually, as
well as using a texture tween.
CRDT_TYPE: LastWriteWin-Element-Set
message Texture {
string src = 1;
optional TextureWrapMode wrap_mode = 2; // default = TextureWrapMode.Clamp
optional TextureFilterMode filter_mode = 3; // default = FilterMode.Bilinear
// Final uv = offset + (input_uv * tiling)
optional Vector2 offset = 4; // default = Vector2.Zero; Offset for texture positioning, only works for the texture property in PbrMaterial or UnlitMaterial.
optional Vector2 tiling = 5; // default = Vector2.One; Tiling multiplier for texture repetition, only works for the texture property in PbrMaterial or UnlitMaterial.
message PBTween {
float duration = 1; // in milliseconds
EasingFunction easing_function = 2;
oneof mode {
Move move = 3;
Rotate rotate = 4;
Scale scale = 5;
TextureMove texture_move = 8;
optional bool playing = 6; // default true (pause or running)
optional float current_time = 7; // between 0 and 1
// This tween mode allows to move the texture of a PbrMaterial or UnlitMaterial.
// You can also specify the movement type (offset or tiling)
message TextureMove {
decentraland.common.Vector2 start = 1;
decentraland.common.Vector2 end = 2;
optional TextureMovementType movement_type = 3; // default = TextureMovementType.TMT_OFFSET
enum TextureMovementType {
TMT_OFFSET = 0; // default = TextureMovementType.TMT_OFFSET
Offset texture:
Material.setPbrMaterial(myEntity, {
texture: Material.Texture.Common({
src: "assets/materials/wood.png",
wrapMode: TextureWrapMode.TWM_REPEAT,
offset: Vector2.create(0, 0.2),
tiling: Vector2.create(1, 1)
Simple continuos flow:
const myEntity = engine.addEntity()
Transform.create(myEntity, {
position: Vector3.create(4, 1, 4)
Material.setPbrMaterial(myEntity, {
texture: Material.Texture.Common({
src: "materials/water.png",
wrapMode: TextureWrapMode.TWM_REPEAT
Tween.create(myEntity, {
mode: Tween.Mode.TextureMove({
start: Vector2.create(0, 0),
end: Vector2.create(0, 1)
duration: 1000,
easingFunction: EasingFunction.EF_LINEAR
TweenSequence.create(myEntity, { sequence: [], loop: TweenLoop.TL_RESTART })
Square-moving tween sequence:
Tween.create(myEntity, {
mode: Tween.Mode.TextureMove({
start: Vector2.create(0, 0),
end: Vector2.create(0, 1)
duration: 1000,
easingFunction: EasingFunction.EF_LINEAR
TweenSequence.create(myEntity, {
sequence: [
mode: Tween.Mode.TextureMove({
start: Vector2.create(0, 1),
end: Vector2.create(1, 1)
duration: 1000,
easingFunction: EasingFunction.EF_LINEAR
mode: Tween.Mode.TextureMove({
start: Vector2.create(1, 1),
end: Vector2.create(1, 0)
duration: 1000,
easingFunction: EasingFunction.EF_LINEAR
mode: Tween.Mode.TextureMove({
start: Vector2.create(1, 0),
end: Vector2.create(0, 0)
duration: 1000,
easingFunction: EasingFunction.EF_LINEAR
loop: TweenLoop.TL_RESTART