ADR-252: Third Party Registry V3

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This document explores the enhancements introduced by the third version of the Third Party Registry smart contract. Notably, it outlines how Third Parties can now be created by any wallet, with the cost determined by the number of required item slots. Additionally, it explains the concept and benefits of “programmatic” Third Parties within this new framework.


In the previous version of this smart contract, the creation of Third Parties was restricted to a designated wallet known as the “Third Party Aggregator”. This wallet was responsible for manually adding a Third Party whenever a proposed “Linked Wearable” project was approved through governance in

This process restricted the number of projects that could be added to Decentraland, necessitating the development of an alternative approach to improve this functionality.


Integrate version 3 of the Third Party Registry.

This updated version removes the onlyThirdPartyAggregator modifier from the addThirdParties function, enabling any wallet to invoke the function, and thereby allowing anyone to create a new third party.

However, invoking this function incurs a cost in MANA for the caller, determined by two primary factors:

Item Slots

When creating a third party, the user specifies the number of item slots by setting the ThirdPartyParam.slots argument. The number of slots directly influences the amount of MANA required to pay.

Each slot has a fixed price in USD, stored in the itemSlotPrice variable. This USD price is then converted to MANA using the MANA/USD Chainlink price feed, which determines the final MANA amount the user must pay.

For instance, if MANA is priced at 0.5 USD, and the user wishes to create a Third Party with 10 slots at a rate of 100 USD per slot, the total cost would be 2000 MANA (200 MANA per slot * 10).

Programmatic Third Parties

Version 3 introduces the concept of "programmatic" Third Parties. Programmatic TPs refer to third parties whose item representations are generated automatically through a script or other processes. For example, an NFT project with 1000 racing cars may generate car representations through a script that modifies textures or other simple details, rather than creating them manually.

In such cases, users can designate a third party as programmatic by setting the _areProgrammatic variable in the addThirdParties function as true.

Programmatic third parties are charged a fixed rate based on the programmaticBasePurchasedSlots variable. For example, if this variable is set to 20, a programmatic TP will be billed as if it had 20 item slots. However, there is no limit to the number of item slots a programmatic TP can actually have.

Given that programmatic Third Parties are reviewed by curators before being made available on the platform, users cannot exploit the different pricing models for programmatic and non-programmatic Third Parties. For instance, a user attempting to create a Third Party with 30 manually created items and marking it as programmatic to pay less would fail to comply with the committee's rules and would not be approved.

The buyItemSlots function has been updated to allow programmatic Third Party managers to add more item slots for free if the initial amount defined was insufficient.

This function enables users to add item slots to their Third Parties. For non-programmatic Third Parties, the cost of adding additional slots remains the same as the price per slot at the time of creation.


This version of the Third Party Registry removes the reliance on the Third Party Aggregator by allowing anyone to create Third Parties at any time, with the associated cost being collected by the DAO.

This change grants users greater control and flexibility in managing their projects within the platform.


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